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Introverted, Ambiverted, and Extroverted

The spectrum that decides how a person recharges is defined by three umbrella terms: Introverted, Extroverted, and Ambiverted. The way someone recharges can be defined many different ways, but we use this spectrum to help us be aware of how we reset our day. It important to know that not one term describes you, and almost no one is ever fully introverted, ambiverted, or extroverted. Introverts are most likely to recharge away from people, because they most thrive while in a quiet and less social environment. And this does NOT mean they are shy, quiet, or “anti-social”. I know many introverts who love to be a leader, and be with close friends, but at the end of the day, they like to recharge their batteries alone, or with people they trust. Extroverts typically feel at their highest when they are in situations that are stimulating. Ambiverts typically identify as in the middle of these two adjectives. The assumption that all extroverts are loud and all introverts are quiet is just the way our society has taught us to think. We need to remove these stereotypes in our societies. With no doubt, the world favors extroverts, and most of our environments are made for extroverts to thrive. To create places where introverts are able to thrive and show their best selves is what we need. For example, schools are designed to accommodate extrovert or ambivert students, and there are not a lot of opportunities for introverts to show their true talents. We need to have variety in our classrooms and workplaces. Using the talents of extroverts, introverts, ambiverts, and everyone else in between, we will be able to create an environment that accommodate everyone. That is the advantage where everyone is able to thrive in their own way, and show their talents and strengths. This also makes is so, especially in schools, teachers and their peers will be able to see the real personalities of people, making it so any needs are met for everyone.

Questions Forum

How can I create an environment for everyone? Technically, it would be nearly impossible to change a society completely on thinking that the extrovert advantage does not exist, and that anyone can work in a stimulating environment. By recommending to your bosses and teachers different options for different people, you are starting on small places, one step closer to that goal. Educate yourself of these things too!

What is the introvert extrovert spectrum and how do I figure out where I am? You know yourself best, and you know what your best environment you work in is. These terms only just recently came to light. And you don’t have to be an exact of one of these “personalities”. It is a spectrum for a reason, and these are just the three checkpoints to identify. You could be an introvert with ambivert tendencies. You could be a quiet extrovert. You could identify with all of these checkpoints at some point in your life. There are many personality quizzes online where you can see where you are on the spectrum, but don’t let this identification control how you go through your life.

Why do we have to have a identification spectrum anyway? Obviously, having a labeling system for our recharging methods just further separates people, and we are all human, no matter how different we are. However, being aware of how we recharge and how we feel in public and social situations helps us realize what works best for us in our best productive environment.

What exactly is ambiversion? Ambiversion, which is difficult to explain, is more like the complete space between introversion and extroversion, which is so large, we can’;t fathom. This is because there are so many introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts, and these people in each individual group are different too. You may be 20% introverted, 80% extroverted. Or 21% introverted? Every number you could think of. Sure. It’s such a broad category and spectrum that we label ambiverts as people who find they identify with both categories, and it doesn’t matter how much. No one can define your side of the spectrum.

What are some ways for introverts to recharge? As an introvert, am a huge fan of having a quiet, dim, and clean room, with some soft music, because going out can make me feel so drained! There are so many ways to recharge for introverts. You have to find the right one that makes you feel energized again. That may include, but not be limited to: taking a bath, reading a book, calling a friend, organizing, going to sleep earlier, drinking tea, etc. There’s endless possibilities; find your favorite and let me know in the comments your reflection on this activity!


The Power of Introverts - TED Talk:

The Spectrum:

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